Thursday, April 25, 2013

What Is Neglect? What Does A Neglected Animal Look Like? (pictures only available through link)

This is a very hard subject to discuss for some people for a variety of reasons.  Either they see the neglect every day, they care about animals so much they don't want to see it or they just didn't think it existed and don't want to admit that it does exist.  Whatever the reason, know that animal abuse and neglect does exist and it is in every neighborhood, in ever social circle, and in every race and ethnic background.

The definition of neglect is this:  animal neglect or abandonment is a common type of animal cruelty where people do not provide adequate care for animals in their charge. The neglected animal may be their own pet, a farm animal, or wildlife. A neglected animal is not provided with proper food, water, veterinary care, shelter and socialization.

This being said, note that the neglect is not limited to the lack of proper food and water; the definition also includes proper vet care, shelter and socialization.  In my state, the legal requirement for vaccines for any animal is rabies.  Distemper, bordetella, FIV/FeLV, deworming, etc. will be recommended by vets and most people in this area consider most of those things proper vet care to include heartworm prevention for dogs.

Socialization is also key because without proper human contact then the animals can become aggressive and a danger to humans.  If they get loose then they definitely will pose a threat and will be euthanized if they end up in a shelter because they are not able to be adopted.

Proper shelter is also important.  Some people feel putting up a dog house and chaining a dog to a pole is proper shelter.  "It's only a dog", but these animals end up having sores on their joints from having to lay on the ground, do not know love from a family, etc.  Having an outside dog with a pen and a large house they can get in out of the elements is one thing but chaining your dog to a pole and having a little house they might be able to fit into is something completely different.

Having outside cats is the same thing.  Although they are more resourceful, cats need shelter from the elements as well if they are outside cats.  Ideally they would be able to come inside and be indoor cats because they will ultimately live longer lives, but if that's not what you choose to do then give them a cool place in the summer and a warm place in the winter they can go.

According to the law, the following are the responsibilities of the pet owner:

Each owner shall provide for each of his animals:
(a) sufficient quantity of good quality, wholesome food and water;
(b) adequate shelter and protection from the weather;
(c) veterinary care when needed to prevent suffering; and
(d) humane care and treatment.

If you see these things not being done for an animal I would hope that the local authorities would be called so something could be done to help the animal and punish the offender.  Please help by keeping an eye out for the helpless and voiceless.  We are their voice.

As always, we welcome any comments, questions and topics you'd like to see discussed here.  Be sure to follow us on Twitter and Facebook and tell your family and friends about us.  Thanks for reading!

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