Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Dog Fighting...How To Recognize It And What To Do About It.

We've all heard about Michael Vick and his dog fighting ring, I'm sure.  Does this type of thing really exist in our own neighborhoods though?  I mean we like to think we live in a safe area.  Unfortunately this illegal activity can exist anywhere.  Your neighbors may even be participating in this behavior and you will not even know it unless you know what to look for.

If you hear someone asking for free kittens then that is a red flag.  Do not be fooled by the fact that they may have children with them.  Free kittens or cats are ALWAYS a bad idea for this reason.  They are used for bait to help make these dogs fight.  The kittens do not stand a chance and will always be killed in a horrible way.  They are then just tossed in the garbage like trash.  People will also look for free dogs and come by to see if they are submissive.  Submissive dogs make good bait as well because they will not fight back and if they do these people will tape their mouths shut so they can't fight back.  This is all an effort to make the other dog get a taste for fighting and blood so they will continue to do this behavior.  These people praise the behavior so the dog thinks it is a good thing to do.

The dogs will also more than likely be chained up outside with very heavy chains.  There will always be more than one and it will be breeds like pittbulls, rottweilers, etc. that people are already afraid of and feel are aggressive.  Unfortunately what a lot of people do not know is these breeds were originally used as nannies or herding or general working dogs...they were never deemed aggressive.  Humans made them that way and have inbred them so the genetics are not as they were initially so these dogs have gotten a bad rap over the years.

The dogs used for fighting are most likely not vaccinated or cared for medically either.  Why should they care for them medically if they are just going to let them kill each other?  The dogs may be heart worm positive, have tick borne diseases, distemper, or any variety of other medical issues.  Unless rescued from this situation, these dogs will never be treated for any medical condition they may or may not have and any injured dog will not receive treatment for injuries.

Gypsy with dog fighting injuries.  Notice she has no ears and is missing a leg.
The graphic picture above is not meant for shock but to show you what can happen to another dog during a fight.  This is definitely considered animal cruelty and is also very illegal.  People spend many years in jail if they are found guilty of this activity. There are also activities beyond just dog fighting such as drugs found to be involved as well.

Please check the link above for information as well as the links on this blog for more information regarding what to look for and if you do stumble upon what you feel is a dog fighting ring please leave immediately and call the police!  Give them the address and as specific a location as possible but do not go back there as the people would rather see you dead than to go to jail.

If you have any pertinent information to add please feel free to comment or ask any questions.  Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Flipbook and be sure to remind your family and friends about us.  As always, thanks for reading.

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